Abstract Title: *TBD* Abstract ======== Errors happen, we all know that. However, not everyone understands these error messages. If such a message appears on the screen, users mostly tend to reboot the system. There are also people who take a shot of their screen and post it somewhere. The result? Either an illegible or truncated stack trace. In order to identify the root cause of the problem, none of the aforementioned methods are really useful. Even worse, sometimes the original culprit (i.e. null pointer dereference) scrolls off the screen. The solution this talk will propose is showing a QR code next to the original dump in order to make error reporting as automatic as possible. By the end of the talk we will also discuss where and how other free software could utilise the idea of reporting an error via a QR code. Audience ======== The audience is anyone who is interested in a new and innovative idea in the Linux kernel. The listeners will find that the talk does not pose any requirement to technical knowledge other than minimal knowledge of the Linux ecosystem. Benefits to the Ecosystem ========================= This talk will possibly light up the heads of open source maintainers that nowadays almost everybody has a smartphone with a camera on its back in their packets and so we could utilise it in a lot of not yet seen ways. Who has not seen an incorrectly typed crash report or an illegible photo of the user's screen? This presentation will propose an idea that is ought to solve all these problems.